Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
Report on the sanitary condition of the Borough of Bermondsey for the year 1915
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Unsound Food Seizures.
The following seizures took place during the year under report
and the results of prosecutions are as follows: —
August 18th —
Exposing unsound cherries for the
purpose of sale
Owner: fine 40s. or 21 days'
August 25th —
82 casks of rancid butter deposited
for sale.
September 15th—
Exposing 61 lbs. of unsound black
currants for the purpose of sale
Owner: fine 40s. or 21 days'
February 23rd, 1916 —
825 barrels 50 puncheons and 25
tierces of unsound pork deposited
for sale.
Owners : fine £20, costs
£10 10s. Od.
There are two items in the above list which require special
mention, viz., that of Rancid Butter under the Unsound Food
Regulations and the Hams under the Public Health Act.
Rancid Butter.
As the above matter is a very important one I make no apology
for giving the full report to the Council.
In only one case did a food stop lead to legal proceedings, and
that was in the case of a large parcel of rancid butter. The following
is a special report on the matter: —
"On the 21st June, 1915, Mr. Ashdown, Wharves and Food
Inspector, found 82 casks of butter which had been imported and
was in cold store at Cotton's Wharf, Tooley Street. On examination
he found the butter to be rancid and in his opinion unfit for human
consumption. This opinion was confirmed by the Medical Officer
and also by Mr. Bodmer, the Public Analyst, who analysed the
butter and also samples of cake and shortbread which had been
made with this butter. The butter belonged to Herman Gosschalk,
Ltd., of 40 and 42, Tooley Street. A stop order had been placed on
the butter on the 22nd June in accordance with the Unsound Food
Regulations of the Local Government Board and eventually a
summons was applied for at the Tower Bridge Police Court in order
that the magistrate should decide whether the butter was unfit for
human consumption. The case was heard before Mr. Chapman