Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
Report on the sanitary condition of the Borough of Bermondsey for the year 1915
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]TABLE L.—Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis, 1915.
Name. | Address. | Sex. | Age. | Date of Notification. | Occupation or School. | Source of Infection. | Result. | Military Associations. (if any). |
H. S. | Oldfield Villas | M. | 1/1 1/2 | 4/2/15 | Infant. | Not known | Recovered | None. |
F.G. | Gilhams Court | M. | 1/1 0/2 | 7/3/15 | ,, | Attended Day Nursery. Several cases measles and pneumonia in nursery. | Died 11/4/15 | ,, |
E.S. | Mellicks Place | F. | 1 1/1 0/2 | 7/3/15 | ,, | Not known | Recovered | ,, |
F.S. | Renforth Street | F. | 1 2/1 2/2 | 6/4/15 | ,, | ,, ,, | Died 1/6/15 | „ |
J.S. | Weston Street | M. | 24 | 8/4/15 | Coffee Picker. | „ 6/5/15 | ,, ,, | Husband soldier at Aldershot (Cyclist Corps). |
E. S. | Marshall's Place | M. | 6/12 | 13/4/15 | Infant. | ,, ,, | „ 12/4/15 | Uncle a soldier visited home recently. Investigations made. |
E. C. | Elgar Street | F. | 32 | 13/4/15 | Philanthropic Work. | ,, ,, | Recovered | Visited various soldiers' camps. Aldershot and Bulford. |
A.B. | Hickman's Folly ... | F. | 4 | 14/4/15 | Dockhead School. | Day before removal to hospital child visited family where there was a soldier. | ,, ,, | Not fatal |
J.S. | Marshall's Place | F. | 2 2/1 2/2 | 14/4/15 | Infant. | ,, ,, | Died 13/4/15 | Uncle a soldier—visited home recently. Investigatios made. |
R.H. | Lynton Road | F. | 20 | 16/4/15 | Tin worker. | ,, ,, | Not fatal | None known of. |
D.S. | Freda Street | F. | 12 | 16/4/15 | Monnow Rd. School. | ,, ,, | Died 29/7/15 | ,, ,, ,, |
E.W. | Crimscott Street | F. | 7 | 19/4/15 | Pages Walk School. | ,, ,, | „ 17/4/15 | ,, ,, ,, |
A.F. | Fendall Street | F. | 2 | 24/4/15 | Infant. | ,, ,, | 30/5/15 | ,, ,, ,, |
E. G. | Hamilton Square | M. | 20 | 1/5/15 | Carman. | ,, ,, | Not fatal | ,, ,, ,, |
W.S. | Winchelsea Buildings | M. | 26 | 7/6/15 | Shipwright. | ,, ,, | Recovered | ,, ,, ,, |
G.C. | Slippers Place | M. | 1/1 0/2 | 9/7/15 | Infant. | ,, ,, | Died 8/7/15 | ,, ,, ,, |
N.W. | Princes Street | F. | 5 8/1 8/2 | 2/8/15 | ,, | ,, ,, | Not fatal. | Father R.N.R. Away from home. No other military associations knownof |
E. A. | Princes Street | F. | 22 | 14/8/15 | Housewife. | ,, ,, | Died 13/8/15 | ? |
J.C. | English Grounds | F. | 1/1 6/2 | 13/12/15 | Infant. | ,, ,, | „ 20/12/15 | ? |
I.O. | Upper Grange Road | F. | 9/1 9/2 | 20/12 15 | ,, | ,, | „ 21/12/15 | Father soldier (in France). |
C.P. | Millstream Road ... | F. | 9/1 9/2 | 28/12/15 | ,, | ,, ,, | Died in 1916. | „ „ No other military associations known of. |