London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bethnal Green 1922

Report on the health of the Borough of Bethnal Green during the year 1922

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Verminous Conditions.
Three hundred and fifty-three children reported
from the Elementary Schools as being infested with
body-lice were visited. In every case advice as to
the treatment of the clothing and bedding was
and disinfestation by steam was offered. However, in
Dnly three cases was advantage taken of such offer.
14 articles being so disinfested. This small proportion
of children properly dealt with is a matter
for regret, and is due to the reluctance of parents
to allow the bedding and clothing to be removed.
But it must be added that there are no facilities
available in the Borough for the proper cleansing of
a family. What is wanted are premises in which
baths and warmed rooms are available as well as
a disinfesting apparatus. Only in such a way can
proper and adequate cleansing be carried out. It is
not only unreasonable but quite impossible to expect
a whole family to strip naked and take hot baths
in a tenement whilst clothing and bedding are in process
of being disinfested at the station. Yet anything
less than this cannot be expected to eradicate
body-louse infestation of a family. On July 20th, 1922,
the L.C.C. (General Powers) Act, 1922, came into
force. This Act codifies and somewhat strengthens
the law relating to verminous conditions.
During the year 30 men infested with body-lice
were cleansed at the Disinfecting Station and their
clothing disinfested.
Scabies or Itch.
Eighty-one children suffering from this disease
were visited after being excluded from the Elementary
Schools. In only 16 instances was disinfestation
of the clothing and bedding permitted. Three
men suffering from scabies had a medicinal bath at
the Disinfecting Station and their clothing disinfested.