London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bethnal Green 1914

Report on the sanitary condition and vital statistics during the year 1914 together with the report of the Chief Sanitary Inspector

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Clerical Work.
Intimation Notices written and served, Public Health Act4,740
Statutory Notices written and served, Public Health Act3,457
Notices under Housing, Town Planning, &c., Act, 1909, Section 15-
Entries in Nuisance Register7,668
„ Tenement House Register1,785
„ Food and Drugs Register795
„ Workshops Register6,115
Notices respecting Combined Drainage54
Final Notices prepared and served1,032
Letters written3,138
Instructions to Solicitor prepared65
Summonses prepared (4 copies each)81
School Notifications prepared and despatched2,255
Notices to District Surveyor172