London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Camberwell 1922

Report of the Medical Officer of Health for the year 1922

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Following the issue of a report by the Departmental Committee
on Smoke and Noxious Vapours Abatement in December, 1921,
the question of smoke abatement received considerable attention
during the past year, with the result that public opinion is beginning
to realise the injurious effect of a smoke-laden atmosphere both
upon health and property. Diseases such as bronchitis and pneumonia
are more prevalent during the occurrence of foggy weather.
The pollution of the atmosphere by smoke is an unnecessary
evil, and, apart from the health aspect, the wastage of coal and the
damage to property involved, represent many millions of pounds
Let us not forget that two of the main essentials for the prevention
of disease are fresh air and sunlight.
Although the supervision of the public elementary schools is
carried out by the London County Council, yet it has been the
custom of the Department to keep them under observation in
addition to the private schools. Combined action has been taken,
when and where necessary, with a view to preventing the spread of
infectious disease.
Form 84, stating the reason and period of exclusion of school
children, is received daily from the teachers.
In all cases of alleged infectious disease the homes are visited
and the parents urged to obtain medical advice for the children.
The medical inspection and treatment of children in elementary
schools in Camberwell is carried out by the London County Council
independently of the Borough Council. The system of dual control
whereby one Authority looks after the health of the children at
school and another supervises the home conditions is not such
that the best results are likely to be obtained.
Cleansing Station.
The London County Council has an agreement with this
Authority for the cleansing of school children affected with vermin
and scabies and the work is carried out at the Cleansing Station,
Peckham Park Road. The following table sets out the work which
was carried out during 1922: —
Men. Women. Children under 15 years. Total.
Vermin 89 — 2,532 2,621
Scabies 4 3 734 741