London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Kensington 1916

Annual report (abridged) of the Medical Officer of Health 1916

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Lodgings provided by the Council.—The Council provide within the Borough 120
tenements of one, two, or three rooms for the working-class tenements. Latterly all the Council's
tenements have been let.
Houses Let in Lodgings. —The number of houses let in lodgings on the Council's register
at the end of the year was 2,064. In 1913, 187 of the registered houses were let in furnished
lodgings at a charge of 1s. per night per room. The lodgings in the remainder of the registered
houses are let unfurnished. The inspections and re-inspections of lodging houses numbered 7,596.
Notices requiring the remedy of defects found were served in 611 instances, and 14 cases of overcrowding
were abated. The owner of one lodging house was summoned for failing to carry out
sanitary repairs and for breach of the by-laws for houses let in lodgings. 861 houses were reported
as having been cleansed in accordance with the requirements of By-Law 16.
Common Lodging Houses.—The Common Lodging Houses in the Borough number 20 and
contain accommodation for some 627 persons. Eleven are for male and 9 for female lodgers.
Housing (Inspection of District) Regulations. 1910. —The house-to-house inspections
for the purpose of these Regulations and the detection of nuisances numbered 1,864. This figure
does not include re-inspections, inspections on complaint or inspections of registered lodging houses
for the purpose of enforcing the lodging house by-laws. In accordance with the directions in the
Local Government Board Circular of 4th August, 1915, only urgently necessary work has been
required, with the result that it has not been possible to proceed with the scheme of housing work
which had been instituted on the lines laid down in the regulations.
Closing Orders. —The Closing Order in respect of No. 9, Talbot Grove was determined on
6th June, 1916, the premises having been rendered fit for human habitation.
Inland Revenue Acts.—Under these Acts 50 certificates were issued by the Medical
Officer of Health, in respect to 50 tenements in 22 houses containing a total number of 53 separate
Water Supply to New Houses.—During the year 25 newly erected houses were inspected
and certified before occupation as having a proper and sufficient supply of water.
Remedy of Defects.—A tabular statement showing in detail the work carried out under
the direction of the Sanitarv Inspectors for the remedy of various sanitary defects in dwelling
houses is entered month by month and for the year in the registers of the Public Health
Department. The registers are available for reference and render the publication of a detailed
statement in the Annual Report unnecessary. In four cases legal proceedings were instituted
against persons who had failed to comply with the sanitarv requirements of the inspectors. In
each case an order was made by the Justices for the work required to be carried out. Fines
amounting to £4 were inflicted.
The Council is required to keep a register of workshops and is responsible for the sanitary
conditions of all workshops and workplaces in the Borough. For the sanitary condition of factories
the Home Office is directly responsible, the duties of the Council in factories being limited to
securing the provision of suitable and sufficient sanitary conveniences for the persons employed.
Where women are employed the inspections are made by the Council's Lady Sanitary Inspector.
The following list shows the number of workshops and factories in the Borough.