London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1919

Annual report on the health, sanitary condition, &c., of the Borough for the year1919

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Report of the Medical Officer of Health.
The total number of deaths from Cancer and other malignant
diseases was 399, 147 of males and 252 of females. 75 of these
occurred in Clapham, 38 in Putney, 148 in Streatham, 27 in Tooting,
and III in Wandsworth.
The corrected death-rate was 1.20 per 1,000, and for the Subdistricts
as follows:—Clapham 1.26, Putney 1.32, Streatham 1.41,
Tooting .70, and Wandsworth 1.14.
One of the deaths occurred under one year of age, one from
two and under five years, one from five and under 15 years, two
at 15 and under 25 years, 39 at 25 and under 45 years, 179 at 45
and under 65 years, and 176 over 65 years.
The number of deaths is 24 above last year, but is 16 under
the corrected decennial average.
Diseases of the Brain and Nervous System.
From these diseases 352 deaths occurred, 8r in Clapham,
28 in Putney, 130 in Streatham, 27 in Tooting, and 86 in Wandsworth.
13 of the deaths were due to Meningitis, 186 to Cerebral
Haemorrhage or Apoplexy, 22 to Convulsions, eight to Softening of
the Brain, 24 to Paralysis, 16 to General Paralysis of the Insane,
11 to Locomotor Ataxy, 17 to Epilepsy, and 55 to other diseases
of the Nervous System.
Circulatory Diseases.
From the above group of diseases, 601 deaths occurred, 489
of which, 212 males and 277 females, were due to Organic disease
of the Heart.
108 of these deaths occurred in Clapham, 51 in Putney, 227 in
Streatham, 47 in Tooting, and 168 in Wandsworth.
380 of the deaths were of persons over 65 years of age.