London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1918

Annual report on the health, sanitary condition, &c., of the Borough for the year1918

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Report of the Medical Officer of Health.
98 deaths, 55 of males and 43 of females, occurred from
Violence, 74 of the deaths being due to Accidental, and 23 to
Suicidal causes, while one death was caused by another form of
17 of the deaths belonged to Clapham, 14 to Putney, 25 to
Streatham, 10 to Tooting, and 32 to Wandsworth.
The next Table shows the number of Inquests held in the
Borough during the year, and Table XXXVII the number of:
inquests held outside the Borough of persons belonging thereto.