London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Woolwich 1919

Annual report of the Medical Officer of Health for Woolwich

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During the year the shelters have been in use for 311 weeks
out of a possible 572 weeks.
78. Institution Treatment. During the year 312 cases were
sent to residential institutions, compared with 201 in 1918.
Statistics, 1919.
79. Tuberculosis Dispensary. A voluntary Dispensary was
established in Woolwich in 1911 and in 1910 the Borough
Council entered into an agreement with it for the dispensary
treatment of tuberculosis. The staff consist of: —One Clinical
Tuberculosis Officer—Dr. F. J. Blackmore, Secretary; Assistant
Voluntary Secretary; two nurses; one Health Visitor; Nursedispenser
and one voluntary worker.
The Medical Staff, as will been seen from the statistics
published below, requires to be increased by the appointment of
another Tuberculosis Officer.
The following is the summary of the work referring to the
period 1st January to 31st December, 1919.
Insured persons examined and treated 2,402
Uninsured 4,093
Total attendances, including home visits by staff 18,008
Number of new patients examined 1,719
„ with definite pulmonary tuberculosis 244
„ with surgical tuberculosis 36
„ of suspect and observation cases 530
„ found non-tuberculous 909
„ of home visits of medical officers 733
„ „ nurses 6,449
„ of sputum examinations 316
„ found positive 49
„ of children, new cases 934
„ of contacts examined 697