London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hampstead 1919

Report for the year 1919 of the Medical Officer of Health

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Kilburn Vale area.—This scheme contemplates the acquisition and
reconstruction of the area known as Kilburn Vale, about 2¼ acres in
extent. This site has been surveyed, and a tentative plan prepared by
the Architect and submitted to the Housing Committee.
Westbere Road and Avenue Farm areas. —Schemes and plans have
been considered for building upon the whole of these areas, comprising
11 and 44 acres respectively. These, together with the Kilburn Yale
area, are still a matter of negotiation with the Housing Board.
(4) Principal cases of overcrowding dealt with during tte year and
action taken.— In 10 instances the overcrowding found to exist was
remedied, chiefly by rearrangement of the inhabitants in their rooms.
III.—Fitness of Houses.
(1) (a) General standard of housing in the distric; (b) General
character of the defects found to exist in unfit houses.—The majority of
houses in Hampstead are of a very good standard, but there are a
number of exceedingly old and worn out premises needing attention.
There are, too, several streets which were built by speculative builders,
and these houses are becoming a matter for serious consideration, and,
if necessary, steps should be taken to prevent deteriorating into "slum"
property. This question is dealt with in a Special Report, which is
reprinted in the pages that follow.
(2) Action taken as regards unfit houses under (a) the Public
Health Acts, (b) the Housing Acts. (Note the detailed statistics as to
action under the Housing Acts are to be found in the appendices.)
(See also Special Report, page 101).