London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hampstead 1919

Report for the year 1919 of the Medical Officer of Health

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Food Premises.
Section 8 of the London County Council (General Powers) Act,
1908, very consideraby increases the power of Sanitary Authorities to
improve the conditions of food premises. The following are the
clauses of the Section :—
(1) From and after the passing of this Act the following
provisions shall apply to any room, shop, or other part of a
building within the County in which any article, whether solid or
liquid, intended or adapted for the food of man is sold or exposed
for sale, or deposited for the purpose of sale, or of preparation for
sale or with a view to future sale:—
(a) No urinal, water-closet, earth closet, privy, ashpit, or
other like sanitary convenience shall be within such
room, shop, or other part of a building, or shall communicate
therewith except through the open-air or
through an intervening ventilated space.
(b) No cistern for supplying water to such room, sh p, or
other part qf a building shall be in direct communication
with and directly discharge into any such sanitary
(c) No drain or pipe for carrying off foecal or sewage matter
shall have any inlet or opening within such room, shop,
or other part of a building.
{d) No such room, shop, or other part of a building shall be
used as a sleeping place, and so far as may be reasonably
necessary to prevent risk of the infection or contamination
of any such article as aforesaid no sleeping place
shall adjoin such room, shop, or other part of a building
and communicate therewith except through the open air
or through an intervening ventilated space.
(e) Refuse or filth, whether solid or liquid, shall not be
deposited or allowed to accumulate in any such room,
shop, or other part of a building, except so far as may
be reasonably necessary for the proper carrying on of
trade or business.
If) Due cleanliness shall be observed in regard to such room,