London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hampstead 1919

Report for the year 1919 of the Medical Officer of Health

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The mortality from Tubercular Diseases is dealt with in Section
"D" of this Report.
Child Mortality.
The deaths of children under five years of age are referred to in
Section "E."
Violent Deaths (excluding Suicide).
20 deaths were classified under this heading as compared with
14 in 1918. Among other causes, 7 were due to falls; 2 to injuries
caused by being knocked down or run over by trains; 2 by crushing
in lifts, and 5 by street accidents.
10 persons committed suicide, being the same number as in 1918.
Among other causes, 2 deaths were due to poisoning; 3 from hanging;
and 1 from burns.