London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hampstead 1916

Report for the year 1916 of the Medical Officer of Health

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84 & 85 Palmerston Road. These houses belong to the
same owner as No. 83, and the Council have authorised me to make
a survey and examination for the purpose of determining whether any
powers under the Housing Act should be exercised in regard to these
premises. Up to the present I have not been able to effect an entry.
1 to 7 Peebles Mews. The Local Government Board have
made an Order in regard to the above premises intimating their willingness
to quash the Demolition Orders provided certain essential works
are carried out and the premises used for some purpose other than for
human habitation, but so far alterations have not been made and the
premises remain closed.
No action has been taken during the year in regard to the
following houses, all of which remain closed :—
Closing Order
Represented. made.
Woodbine Cottage 1.12.14 10.12.14
Grove Cottage 1.12.14 10.12.14
Hope Cottage 1.12.14 10.12.14
8 Woodchurch Road 20.10.14 29.10.14
The following premises have been dealt with during 1916:—
Closing Order
Represented. determined.
23 Worsley Road 23.3.15 2.3.16
117 Abbey Rd. (2 Rooms) 23.3.15 20.7.1 6
4 Lowfield Road 3.5.15 27.4.16
2 Lowfield Road 20.7.16 18.4.16
. Demolition
Represented. Order.
5 & 6 Fairfax Yard 5.10.15 14.11.16
The Water Supply of Tenement Houses.
During 1916, the powers conferred by Section 78 of the L.C.C.
General Powers Act. 1907, have been exercised in regard to 63 houses,
making a total of 833 houses which have been dealt with in Hampstead
since the Act came into force.
Factories and Workshops Act.
Whilst maintaining careful supervision of the sanitary conditions
of the workshops and workplaces, due regard has been paid to the
altered conditions now pertaining. In many establishments women
have taken the place of men, so that establishments are now employing
both sexes when they formerly employed one. The Local Government
Board in a letter upon this subject dated 14th June, 1915, suggested
that endeavours should be made to re-arrange things as to obviate the
expense of providing double sanitary accomodation. These arrangements
would be only temporary during the War. This suggestion was
adopted and adhered to.