London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Holborn 1914

Report for the year 1914 of the Medical Officer of Health

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(c) Instances where (apart from analysis) the requirements as to labelling or
declaration of preserved cream in Article V. (1) and the proviso in
Article Y. (2) of the Regulations have not been observed:—
3.—Thickening Substances.
Any evidence of their addition to cream or to preserved cream. Action
taken where found.
None found.
4.—Other observations, if any:—
During the year there were 65 premises in the Borough where ice cream
was manufactured or sold, and in addition to my inspections 128 inspections
of these premises were made.
As ice cream is often made in the early morning, inspections between
6 and 9 a.m. were also occasionally made in order to ascertain whether there
were any infringements of the London County Council (General Powers) Act,
Applications were received for removal and destruction as trade refuse of
the following articles of food, all of which were unsound and unfit for the
food of man:—
424 tins Preserved Fruits (assorted).
35 bottles Do.
6 tins Preserved Vegetables.
1 bottle Do.
28 tins Sardines.
2 tins Tinned Fish.
13 cases, bottles and tins Assorted
28 lbs. Skate.
Only one complaint of nuisances from offensive fumes was received during
the year. At these premises, a large refinery of gold and other precious metals,
many additions and improvements to the plant had been recently effected, including
large new plant for refining by means of electrolysis.