London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Kensington 1905

Annual report on the health, sanitary condition, etc., etc., of the Royal Borough of Kensington for the year 1905

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Common Lodging Houses.—The County Council in 1894, took over from the police the
supervision of common lodging-houses, under the circumstances set out in my annual report for
1893 (p. 207). I am indebted to the Council's Medical Officer of Health for the subjoined return
of the common lodging-houses in this borough, which are 24 in number, and contain accommodation
for 711 persons.


Ward.Name of Keeper.Address of Common Lodging-House.No. of Lodgers, for which licensed, in 1905.
GolborneMadden, James194, Kensal Road75...75
NorlandRusha, Alfred18, Bangor Street...2424
Do.20, do....4545
,,Reynolds, Charles85, do.26...26
,,Phillips, Thos. Jno.5, do.52...52
,,Do.7, do.
,,Hankins, George10, Crescent Street...2525
,,Do.28, do.54...54
,,Do.30, do.
,,Do.40, do....2525
,,Rusha, Alfred25, do....5757
,,Do.27, do.
,,Do.81, do.58...58
,,Do.88, do.
,,Simpson, James87, Mary Place26...26
,,Do.85. 'do.
,,Davis, Sagel66, St. Ann's Road66...66
,,Rusha, Alfred84. Sirdar Road...5858
,,Do.86, do.
,,Do.88, do.48...48
,,Do.40, do.
,,Code, George12, St. John's Place....4848
HollandRedman, John24, Peel Street84...84
,,Do.22, do.

Seventeen of the common lodging-houses, with accommodation for 467 persons are comprised
in the "Notting-dale" special area.
(Factory and Workshop Act, 1901.)
Subjoined will be found the report of the lady inspectors of workshops, workplaces, and
laundries where women are employed, and the report of the chief sanitary inspector, comprising
information which Section 132 requires to be set out in the annual report of the Medical Officer of
Health. In connexion with the first-named report it may be mentioned that it was in Kensington
that the services of women were first enlisted in the work of sanitary administration. The seed
sown in 1893 has prospered, for already the Cities of London and Westminster and 20 of the
other 27 Borough Councils have appointed women inspectors to the number of 34. It will be
remembered that the conference of delegates of the Borough Councils, convened by the County