London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Kensington 1905

Annual report on the health, sanitary condition, etc., etc., of the Royal Borough of Kensington for the year 1905

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Scarlet Fever was more than usually prevalent in London throughout the second half of the
year; and consequent on the rise in admissions, as well as in view of the situation as regards patients'
accommodation, the Hospitals Committee of the Asylums Board gave instructions, in July, for
the Upper Hospital at Gore Farm to be opened for convalescing cases. The ordinary accommodation
at their disposal was less than the normal, the South-Eastern hospital (488 beds) being
in course of reconstruction and the new Southern Convalescent Hospital (800 beds) not being ready
for occupation, although the contract time had expired.
The notifications were 19,467, compared with 18,258, 12,536, and 13,439, in the preceding
three years. The mortality-rate was 2.8 per cent, on cases notified, compared with 3.1, 2.9, and 2.7
in the preceding three years.
The admissions to hospital were 17,230, compared with 14,883, 10,580, and 11,401, in the
preceding three years, or about 88.5 per cent, on cases notified,
At the close of the year there were 3,446 cases remaining in hospital, compared with 2,327,
1,632, and 2,386, at the corresponding period in the preceding three years.
The subjoined table shows the degree of prevalence of scarlet fever in the Borough, and in
London, as a whole, as indicated by the number of notifications, and of deaths, in thirteen successive
four-weekly periods, as set out in my reports:—

Scarlet Fever in 1905.

Report for four weeks endedNo. of Notifications.No. of cases admitted to Hospitals.No. of Deaths. No. of cases in Hospital at the end of the period
January 281997213857-392,096
February 25161,087129542411,987
March 25321,233281,1291502,034
April 22151,181121,0891402,128
May 20351,253321,1282342,211
June 17361,365331,2241302,356
July 15271,460251,3692372,520
August 12341,464361,3772392,670
September 9211,683211,5742382,982
October 7312,184292,0511383,789
November 4212,212192,0614554,200
December 2321,984281,7641454,021
December 30131,389131,2862633,446

For the sake of comparison, I subjoin the corresponding table for 1904, taken from the
report for that year.

Scarlet Fever in 1904.

Report for four weeks endedNo. of Notifications.No. of cases admitted to Hospitals.No. of Deaths. No. of cases in Hospital at the end of the period.
January 302381921744-391,651
February 271869617624-211,587
March 261977416666-171,585
April 2315751126761251,543
May 21281,02325888-251,630
June 182592420800-251,630
July 16231,07018951-271,698
August 132693122832-231,763
September 10111,037119611211,816
October 8221,580191,430-302,341
November 5241,557231,3651382,782
December 3121,192101,0621412,625
December 31161,081119481332,386

Note. Correction has not been made in the two tables for errors in diagnosis, either with respect to notifications,
or admissions to hospital. The notifications are collated from the weekly returns of the Asylums Board ; the admissions
to, and numbers in, the hospitals, and the deaths in London, from the weekly returns of the Registrar-General.