London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Greenwich 1913

The annual report made to the Council of the Metropolitan Borough of Greenwich for the year 1913

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2 Left the district, and have been put into communication
with other Dispensaries.
2 Advised not to attend.
Of the total having treatment there are:—
15 Males insured.
6 Females insured.
There have been 21 consultations with practitioners.
Additional treatment is being provided at various local and
Metropolitan Hospitals in the undermentioned cases:—
1 Child for X-ray treatment.
1 Child for Finsen Lights.
1 Child for Finsen and X-ray.
Tuberculin Treatment.
The number of cases undergoing Tuberculin treatment is at
3 Men.
4 Women.
Up to the present the Diagnostic Tuberculin has not been
used, for, from my experience, I do not consider it justifiable to
inject patients with this preparation who are not under continuous
observation during the reaction period, and my contention is borne
out by Professor Studlemann (Berlin), who protests emphatically
against Diagnostic injectures of old Tuberculin in out-patient work.
The acquisition of observation beds, however, will overcome tins
At this stage, it seems advisable to point out that Tuberculin
is not the Alpha and Omega of the crusade against Tuberculosis.
Every case of Tuberculosis is not one for Tuberculin injection,
and many cases can be injected with their own Tuberculin by means
of graduated labour.