London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Greenwich 1908

The annual report made to the Council of the Metropolitan Borough of Greenwich for the year 1908

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use such means as may from time to time seem best adapted
towards that end, and at the present time more especially to give
attention to the feeding, clothing, and environments of infants
and young children, so that a foundation may be laid for building;
up healthy, happy, and useful lives.
1. By arranging for popular lectures on health, sanitation, and
the feeding and rearing of children for District Visitors
and others interested in the work of the Society.
2. By the distribution of popular leaflets and pamphlets.
3. By utilizing the services of trained local workers and
others in giving practical instruction and advice in
matters of health and sanitation to the people in their
4. By working in co-operation with the Public Health,
Authority, medical men, and the charitable and social
agencies of the Borough.
5. By discussing and promoting any measures for the
improvement of the Public Health, as may from time
to time appear advisable.
That the membership consist of the Medical Officer of
Health, and members of Public Bodies dealing with matters
affecting the health of the Borough, and all who are willing to
attend lectures, subscribe to the funds, or take an active part in
carrying out the objects of the Society.