London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hackney 1913

Report on the sanitary condition of the Hackney District for the year 1913

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(i) These Hospitals are each provided with X-ray, Throat,
Bacteriological and Dental Departments, which would be available
for patients treated at the dispensary.
Several Metropolitan Borough Councils have already prepared
Dispensary Schemes for their respective Boroughs, with the approval
of the Local Government Board, in connection with neighbouring
Hospitals. Amongst these are the following:—
Shoreditch Tuberculosis Dispensary in connection
with the City Road Hospital.
City of London St. Bartholomew's Hospital.
Lambeth St. Thomas' Hospital.
At present it is not possible to go into details as to the arrangements
to be made between the Borough Council and the Hospital
The obvious thing to do in the first instance is to determine
whether the Council should establish one or more dispensaries in
the Borough and retain complete control over the same themselves,
or to accept the offer made by the authorities of the Hospitals in
question to utilise their premises, &c., for the same purpose. If
the Committee decide for the latter scheme, negotiations should
then be opened with the Hospital authorities in order to draft a
scheme which, while meeting with the approval of the Local
Government Board, the London County Council and the Insurance
Committee, will be acceptable to both Borough Council and the
Hospital authorities concerned.
In conclusion, I venture to express the hope that the Committee
will favourably consider the offer of the Hospitals in question
for the reasons above given.
I am, Gentlemen,
Your obedient Servant,
Medical Officer of Hfaith.