London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Battersea 1911

[Report on the health of the Metropolitan Borough of Battersea for the year 1911]

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Up to the early part of 1911 the inspection of outworkers'
premises was carried out by the male and female workshop inspectors,
the former dealing with male and the latter with female
outworkers. Owing, however, to the resignation of the female
workshop inspector the whole of this important duty has devolved
upon the male workshop inspector.
During 1911, 610 inspections of outworkers dwellings were
made, 115 of which were made by the female workshop inspector,
prior to her resignation in February, 1911. It was found necessary
to serve 25 notices in connection with homework inspection the
results of which are summarised as follows:—
Total number of inspections 610
Number of notices served 25
Number of Outworkers on register 241
On the resignation of the female Workshop Inspector (Miss
Fairbairn) early in 1911, the Medical Officer of Health reported
that he was of opinion that the vacancy should be filled. The
Committee, however, decided to hold over consideration of the
matter for a period of six months, and suggested a rearrangement
of the duties of the outdoor inspectorial staff, by which the work
of the female Workshop Inspector should be distributed amongst
the other officers and instructed the Medical Officer of Health to
submit at the end of the year, a report as to the working of the
new arrangement.
Number on
Persons Employed.
Blousemaking 11 11 — 14
Bootmaking 42 42 48 3
Boxmaking 7 7 — 8
Dressmaking 11 11 — 11
Embroidery 28 28 — 29
Glovemaking 44 44 1 47
Tailoring 54 54 34 32
Underclothing 20 20 — 22
Other trades 24 24 2 23
Totals 241 241 85 189