London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Fulham 1913

Annual report of the Medical Officer of Health for the year 1913

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Table XXI. gives the number of cases notified in the
several wards, and the following gives the proportional

TABLE XXV. Number of cases of Diphtheria notified per 10,000 of the population.

1903190419051906190719081909191019111912Mean of 10 years 1903-12.1913
Baron's Court Ward910201771310141415105
Lillie Ward23131417382416109161817
Walham Ward291017152022201917292019
Margravine Ward152122403729262327102517
Munster Ward152417243825221426192316
Hurlingham Ward27202216412723221982322
Sands End Ward313422366828212027143026
Town Ward1713122021232110138166
The Borough202018233825201620152217
The County of London1716141819171488161517

Enteric Fever.
The cases notified as enteric fever in 1913 numbered
34, representing an attack-rate of 2.1 per 10,000 of the
population, the decennial average being 3.0 per 10,000.
Three patients had eaten shellfish, two oysters and
one whelks, within a fortnight of the commencement of
the illness. In three instances the disease was contracted
outside the borough.
There were 8 deaths, giving a case mortality, after
excluding 5 cases in which the diagnosis was not confirmed,
of 27.6 per cent.