London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Fulham 1913

Annual report of the Medical Officer of Health for the year 1913

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TABLE III. Classification of Tenants in Heckfield Place as ascertained at the Census taken in 1911 andthe Enquiry in 1913.

Number of Persons.Number of Families
Persons occupying tenementsoneroomEnquiry 270Census. 245(a)Families occupying one room tenementsEnquiry 84Census. 71
Persons occupying tenementstworoom482522(b)Families occupying two room tenements9799
Persons occupying tenementsthreeroom242439(c)Families occupying three room tenements40G2
Persons occupying tenementsfourroom6528(d)Families occupying four room tenements84
Persons occupying Housethewhole1515(e)Families occupying the whole House22