London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Finsbury 1909

Report on the public health of Finsbury 1909 including annual report on factories and workshops

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POPULATION.—At the middle of 1909 the population of the
Borough estimated by the Registrar-General was 95,289, the
numbers for each of the sub-registration districts being :—
Clerkenwell 59,829
Finsbury (St. Luke) 33,918
St. Sepulchre 1,542
This estimate does not include the Finsbury residents detained
in outlying institutions, the Holborn Union Workhouse Infirmary
(342), the Workhouse, Shepherdess Walk (1,359), the Holborn
Union Workhouse, Mitcham (652), and the Holborn Schools,
Mitcham (403), giving a total of 2,756. Adding these to the
Registrar-General's estimate makes a corrected population of
98,045 for the Borough.
In the present report, the rates continue, as before, to be estimated
on the Registrar-General's figures; the matter will be fully
discussed next year.
Compared with the Registrar's estimate made to the middle of
1908 (96,007), the population shews a decrease of 718. The
estimate, that obtains this decrease, is based on the assumption
that the rate of progression of the population is still the same as
that between the censuses of 1891 and 1901, when the population
was found to have declined 9,444—from 110,907 to 101,463.
The reason for the decline mentioned above, which has been
going steadily on during the last 40 years, is the alteration in the
circumstances of the Borough. It is becoming more and more a
manufacturing and business centre and less and less residential.
In the main, the inhabitants are of the working classes, who