London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Lambeth 1905

Report on the vital and sanitary statistics of the Borough of Lambeth during the year 1905

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The London County Council averages can only be regarded
as a rough test of the sanitary administration in a district,
and regard must be had to the personnel of the individual
staffs, and to the way in which the work of such
staffs is organised and supervised, as well as to the styles
of houses and the nature of the persons occupying them.
Having regard to the present satisfactory condition of
Lambeth Borough, and to the work carried out by the
Lambeth sanitary inspectorial staff during recent years, it is
clear that a satisfactory amount of work has been effected
by what now is, and has always been, according to the
London County Council averages, an insufficient number of
sanitary inspectors.
It may be added that, should the Council not augment the
existing sanitary inspectorial staff, the London County Council
may make a representation to the Local Government Board, in
accordance with Section 107 (2) of the Public Health (London)
Act, 1891, which is as follows:—
Where the Local Government Board, on representation from
the London County Council, and after local enquiry, are
satisfied that any sanitary authority have failed to
appoint a sufficient number of sanitary inspectors, the
Board may order the authority to appoint such number
of additional sanitary inspectors, and to allow them
such remuneration as the Order directs, and the
sanitary authority shall comply with the Order.
The following is an extract from the L.C.C. Sanitary Officers
Return (1904):—