London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Lambeth 1905

Report on the vital and sanitary statistics of the Borough of Lambeth during the year 1905

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The total number of bodies received at the two Borough
Mortuaries (High Street and Wanless Road) during 1905 was
391, as compared with 373 during 1904, and an annual average
for the old Parish of Lambeth for 5 years (1896-1900) of 450.
Of the 391 bodies, 274 were received at High Street and 117 at
Wanless Road
40 bodies were brought in by the Police (28 to High Street
and 12 to Wanless Road), and the rest by undertakers or private
The Coroner's Court sat 50 times at Wanless Road, 117 times
at High Street.
Wanless Road Mortuary alone is provided with a separate
room for bodies dead from infectious disease, and during 1905
two infectious bodies (diphtheria) were received there.
For comparison, details are given in tabular form of the work
carried out by the late Vestry of Lambeth in connection with the
Wanless Road and High Street Mortuaries during the five years
(1896-1900). Taking the average, it will be seen that the total
number of bodies received during 1905 in connection with the
new Borough is 59 less than the yearly average (450) received
in connection with the old Vestry during the 5 years (18961900).
The number of post-mortems conducted for the Borough
during 1905 is 209, as compared with 250 during 1904 and with
253, 281, 275, 285 and 267 respectively during the 5 years
(1896-1900) for the old Parish, i.e., 63.5 less than the yearly
average (272.5) during the same quinquennium. Of the postmortems,
38 took place at Wanless Road, and 171 at High