London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Lambeth 1905

Report on the vital and sanitary statistics of the Borough of Lambeth during the year 1905

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The 34 deaths from venereal affections (Syphilis, etc.) are the
only other point calling for note in the class of Zymotic Diseases.
Classes II. and III.—Parasitic and Dietetic Diseases.
2G deaths were registered in these classes from chronic
Alcoholism and 1 from Delirium Tremens.
Class IV.—Constitutional Diseases.
Of the total 995 deaths under this class, 320 were due tø
Cancer, 416 to Phthisis, and 167 to Tubercular Meningitis,
and other forms of Tuberculosis.
Class V.—Developmental Diseases.
The total number of deaths in this class was 323, consisting
of 152 from Premature Birth, 118 from Old Age, and 53.
from Atelectasis and Congenital Malformations.
Class VI.—Local Diseases.
1. Diseases of the Nervous System caused 408 deaths,,
including 52 from Convulsions, 165 from Apoplexy, and
15 from Epilepsy.
2. 587 deaths were due to diseases of the Circulatory
3. The diseases of the Respiratory Organs caused 858.
deaths (394 from Bronchitis, and 196 from Pneumonia).
4. Diseases of the Digestive Organs caused 295 deaths, of
which 87 were due to Enteritis, 35 to Peritonitis,.
79 to diseases of the Liver and 11 to Dentition.
5. Diseases of the Urinary System caused 197 deaths.
6. Diseases of the Reproductive System, Integumentary
System, Locomotive System, Lymphatics, Organs of
Special Senses, etc., caused together 68 deaths.