London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hammersmith 1908

Annual report of the Medical Officer of Health of the Borough of Hammersmith for the year 1908

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entitled to specify the amount of accommodation for
the public that should be provided, but only to require
that the accommodation provided was efficient and in
accordance with the existing by-laws. You subsequently
took the opinion of Mr. McMorran, K.C., and
he practically endorsed the views of your Committee
as to your legal power in the matter.
Having regard to the statements that were made
to the effect that you had not given the question of
the sanitary accommodation the consideration that
you should have done, it was highly satisfactory at
the close of the Exhibition to note that the Chairman
of the Public Health Committee of the London County
Council expressed his opinion at a meeting of the
London County Council that the sanitary accommodation
of the Fianco-British Exhibition was practically
satisfactory and that there had been great
exageration with regard to the statements that had
been made in the press on the subject. I cannot
myself see how any Public. Board could have given a
more thorough and efficient consideration of the
whole question than that which was given by your
Public Health Committee. Having regard to the
magnitude of the work that had to be undertaken and
carried out in a very limited period the result was
highly satisfactory, and in my opinion reflected great
credit upon those whose duty it was to supervise the
sanitary arrangements of the Exhibition.
Your factory inspector has during the year served
253 notices under the Factory and Workshop Act,
and during the same period 245 notices have been
complied with. During the previous year there were
242 notices served and 240 complied with.