London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hampstead 1910

Report for the year 1910 of the Medical Officer of Health

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Summary of Vital Statistics for 1910.
Population estimated to middle of 1910 95729
Density ,, „ „ 42.3 persons per acre
Births 1340
Birth-Rate 14.0
Marriages 631
Marriage-Rate 13.2
Deaths 829
Death-Rate 8.6
Infantile Mortality 60 per 1000 births
Notifiable Infectious Diseases Attack-Rate 2.4
Notifiable Infectious Diseases Death-Rate 0.13
Death-Rate from the Seven Principal Epidemic Diseases 0.47
Population at Census 1901 81942
Inhabited Houses 11294
Area of Borough 2265 acres
„ „ (excluding area covered by water) 2253 acres