London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Holborn 1905

Report for the year 1905 of the Medical Officer of Health

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During the year there were two prosecutions, one for making ice cream in a
hedroom, for which the defendant was fined 20s. and 2s. costs, and the other for failure
to exhibit name on ice cream barrow for which the defendant was fined 2s. and 2s. costs.
Applications were received for the removal and destruction as trade refuse, of the
following articles of food, all of which were unsound and unfit for the food of man :—
1,400 eggs.
6 fowls.
2 crates herrings.
1 cwt. dabbs.
1 trunk haddocks.
1 trunk whiting.
233 single cases bananas.
119 double cases bananas.
20 lbs. black currants.
2 sacks radishes.
The smoke shafts in the Borough were frequently kept under observation, and in
258 cases the inspections were recorded. Twenty Intimation Notices and six Statutory
Notices were served.
For further details of Sanitary Work see Tables VI., VII., VIII., IX., X., XI.,
and XII.
The mean temperature of the year was 49.9 which is 0.8 higher than for
the preceding 50 years.
The rainfall was 23.03 inches, and was 1.50 inches below the average for the
preceding 50 years. In the year 1903 there was the large amount of 35.54 inches.
The total amount of bright sunshine recorded was 1,420 hours, out of a total
possible 4,460 hours, and it was 40 hours above the average for the preceding
15 years.
The mean hourly horizontal movement of the air was 12.3 miles per hour. In
the year 1903, it was 13.3 miles per hour, which was the highest recorded during
the past 50 years, the lowest recorded being 9.3 per hour.
Further details are given in Table XIII.
I desire to express my appreciation of the excellent assistance and hearty
co-operation that I have received from the staff of the Public Health Department
during the year.
I have the honour to be,
Your obedient Servant,