London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Battersea 1908

Report on the health of the Metropolitan Borough of Battersea for the year 1908

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Number of patients 76
*Number died 2
Average period of detention in hospital of
the 74 discharged cases days 47.8
Shortest period of any case in hospital, days 16
Longest period of case in hospital days 143
Cases notified during—
December, 1907 1
January, 1908 6
February, 1908 31
(Including 2
cases re-notified)
March, 1908 32
April, 1908 7
May, 1908 1
Total 78
(Including 2
rases re-notified)
Table showing Length of Stay of Patients in Hospital.
2- 3 weeks' stay 10
3- 4 „ „ 7
4- 5 „ „ 9
5- 6 „ „ 8
6- 7 „ „ 14
7- 8 „ „ 6
8- 9 „ „ 2
9-10 „ „ 5
10-11 „ „ 9
11-12 „ „ 2
12-13 „ „ 1
13-14 „ „ 1
14-15 „ „ 1
20-21 „ „ 1
Total 76
*Cause of death in each of these cases not being certified as due to