London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Lambeth 1902

Report on the vital and sanitary statistics of the Borough of Lambeth during the year 1902

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At the time of the Census, 1901, there were within the
Borough of Lambeh 41,511 inhabited houses and 1825 unin-habited
(881 in occupation and 944 not in occupation), whilst
137 were in process of building. At the time of the 1891
Census, the inhabited houses numbered 38,899.
The estimated number of inhabited houses to the middle of
1902 is 41,837, which, with an estimated population (to the
middle of 1902) of 305,102, gives an average of 7.3 persons per
inhabited house.
The total number of tenements in Lambeth Borough at the
time of the 1901 Census was 70,887, and of these, 44,495 were
tenements of less than five rooms, as follows:—One-roomed,
10,058; two-roomed, 12,311; three-roomed, 12,120; and fourroomed,
Rateable Value.
The estimated rateable value for the year ending March 31st,
1903, is £1,876,927, and a 1d. rate per is estimated to produce
Statistics for London as a whole.
The Registrar-General returns the estimated population of
London for the middle of the year 1902 as 4,579,110, consisting
of 2,161,987 males and 2,417,123 females, and states that there
were registered during the year 40,816 marriages, 132,810
births (67,663 males and 65,147 females), and 82,540 deaths
(42,854 males and 39,686 females). There were registered,
10,393 deaths from the seven chief zymotic diseases. The
excess of registered births over deaths, i.e., the natural increment,
is 50,270 and the estimated increase of population from
the middle (;f 1901 to the middle of 1902, is 34,126.