London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Lewisham 1902

Annual report on the vital statistics and sanitary condition of the Borough of Lewisham and report of the Public Analyst for the year 1902

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no action was taken against the guarantor. The Committee
have given instructions for further proceedings to be taken in
similar cases in the future.
Milk Standard.
We have now had a year's experience in regard to the
working of the regulations issued by the Board of Agriculture in
August, 1901, wherein a Standard was fixed for Genuine Milk,
and Skimmed or Separated Milk.
The average compositions were well above the standard
Average Composition of the 228 Milk Samples
submitted in 1902.
Milk Fat.
olids not Fat.
3.55 per cent. 8.62 per cent.