London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Lewisham 1901

Annual report on the vital statistics and sanitary condition of the Borough of Lewisham for the year 1901

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more persons occupy a single room. In many instances such
occupations consist of parents and their children. In only
twenty-six instances were four persons found occupying one
room. The foregoing facts point to an absence of any serious
overcrowding in the district.
These number 1,720, housing 4,582 persons, or 3.59 per
cent. of the total population. Two-roomed homes are not so
likely to become overcrowded as those previously described.
One room is most frequently used as a sitting room and
kitchen. Where they are occupied by families of four persons
then the second room is most probably used as a bedroom.
Five persons and over to two rooms generally implies
Analyses of two, three and four-roomed homes are set
out in Table 3.
By this term is meant the average number of persons
residing in the Borough to each acre of land.
The health of a district is greatly influenced by the
environments and the density of its inhabitants. Overcrowding
on space, accompanied as it generally is by narrow streets, high
buildings, insufficient light and air and ventilation, leads to high
mortality among persons so situated.
The borough is most fortunate in this respect compared
with other London districts. It has a good elevation and is
bounded for the most part by open country, while nearly half
its area is unbuilt upon. These conditions have in themselves
a considerable effect on the health of its residents. The density,