London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Finsbury 1905

Report on the public health of Finsbury 1905 including annual report on factories and workshops

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No. of
Cases Notified.
No. of Cases
per 10,000 of
No. of Deaths
per 10,000 of
Case Mortality
No. of Deaths
per 100 Cases
1901 65 6.4 1.1 16.9
1902 77 7.6 0.9 11.7
1903 47 4.7 1.1 23.4
1904 40 4.0 0.8 20.0
1905 42 4.3 0.9 21.4
During the year tlie blood of 21 patients was examined bacteriologically,
and 4 were found to yield a positive result.
Discharge Notices.—The Metropolitan Asylums Board has
continued to send discharge cerl ificates, notifying us of the return
home of each case of infectious disease which has been sent to
hospital. Each case has been visited by us and a written report
made. The total number of certificates received was 327,
concerning 458 cases of discharge. The result of our visits has
been to find that, apparently, all the patients had completely
recovered (except perhaps some general weakness), with the
exception of 42, in whom were found some definite sequelæ:-
Discharged cases of Scarlet
Sore Throat 3
Coryza 3
Ottorrhœa 9
Desquamation 4
Nasal Discharge 4
Discharged cases of Typhoid
Paresis of limbs 1
Weakness 1
Discharged cases of Diphtheria—
Nasal discharge 2
Slight Paresis of limbs 11
Sore throat 1
Enlarged glands 3
Sequelfe in Scarlet Fever 23
Do. Diphtheria 17
Do. Typhoid Fever 2