London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Finsbury 1905

Report on the public health of Finsbury 1905 including annual report on factories and workshops

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were removed as obsolete entries, leaving a total now on the
register of 1,859.*
The following tables set out in brief the work done:—
° It should be added that owing to changes in the stall' of inspectors
in the Department during the year it has been necessary for Mr. George
Peverett, the Factory and Workshop Inspector, to undertake a considerable
amount of temporary work outside his ordinary duties. This is the
reason why somewhat less has been done in workshops. Inspector
Peverett, in addition to his workshop inspection, has carried out 13 house
inspections, 46 infectious disease investigations, and 23 canal boat
inspections. He has taken 79 samples under the Sale of Food and
Drugs Acts, and supervised 95 sanitary works or the remedy of nuisances.
This additional work has involved 200 first visits and 394 revisits, in
addition to the service of 35 intimation and 4 statutory notices and three