London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Battersea 1904

Report on the health of the Metropolitan Borough of Battersea for the year 1904

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solution as "formalin" by means of a spray. In verminous
rooms sulphur dioxide was used. After small-pox cases the
rooms were first disinfected by formic aldehyde and then the
walls were stripped of paper and washed down before and
after stripping with a solution of formalin. In the case of
every disease but measles, the process of disinfection included
the removal of all bedding, clothing, and fabrics generally from
the infected rooms, and the disinfection of these articles by
steam in the Equifex machines at the Council's Disinfecting
Station. Infected articles which would be destroyed by steam,
such as boots, furs, etc., were disinfected by formic
aldehyde in a specially constructed zinc-lined chamber.
The following table shows the number of premises and
rooms disinfected during each month of 1904.