London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Greenwich 1905

The annual report made to the Council of the Metropolitan Borough of Greenwich for the year 1905

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Greenwich East.Greenwich West.St. Nicholas, Deptford.Charlton.Kidbrooke.Totals for the BoroughGrreenwich Union Workhouse and Infirmary.Seamen's Hospital.Royal Hospital Schools.Miller Hospital.Herbert Military Hospital.M.A.B. Brook Hospital.Cottage Hospital, Kidbrooke.Outside Institutions.
1st Qr.2nd Qr.3rd Qr.4th Qr.year.1st Qr.2nd Qr.3rd Qr .4th Qr.year.1st Qr.2nd Qr.3rd Qr.4 th Qr.year.1str Qr.2nd Qr.3rd Qr.4th Qr.year.1st Qr.2nd Qr.3rd.4th Qr.year.1st Qr.2nd Qr.3th Qr.4th Qr.year.1st Qr.2nd Qr.3rd Qr.4th Qr.year.1st Qr.2nd Qr.3rd Qr.4th Qr.year.1st Qr.2nd Qr.3rd Qr.4th Qr.year.1str Qr.2nd Qr.3rd Qr.4th Qr.year.1st Qr.2nd Qr.3rd Qr.4th Qr.Year.1st Qr.2nd Qr.3rd Qr.4th Qr.Year.1st Qr.2nd Qr.3rd Qr.4th Qr.Year.
1. Smallpox (total)
(a) Vaccinated
(b) Unvaccinated
(c) No statement
2. Measles Under 514563933......17
Over 511.........1
3. Scarlet Fever Under 5...1...1.........1............11
Over 511213.........4............213
4. Typhus Fever...
5. Epidemic Influenza Under 5......22......2
Over 5315426...1113...1411......11
6. Whooping Cough Under 551129224......131.........
Over 5...11......1
7. Diphtheria, Membranous Croup Under 5113111...111...24...913138
Over 52112...112...6...............1l24
8. Enteric Fever Over 512111111...5...11............11
9. Asiatic CholeraJL............
10. Diarrhœa, Dysentery Under 5231135161899156...5811112
Over 51112111122...6..................11
11. Epidemic or Zymotic Enteritis Under 552721314522...17.....................
12. Other Allied Diseases Sporadic.*
13. Hydrophobia
14. Glanders, Farcy
15. Tetanus Under 511............1
16. Anthrax, Splenic Fever
17. Cowpox, Accidents of Vaccination Veneral.
18. Syphilis Under 5123......11...4123..................11
Over 5.........11...1.....................11
19. Gonorrhœa Septic.
20. Phagedena, Hospital Gangrene
21. Erysipelas Under 511......11...2
Over 5'...11211...311...............11
22. Puerperal Fever Over 51121111...411
23. Pyaemia, Septicæmia Over 511......11...2
24. Infective Endocarditis Over 5...11.........1
25. Other Allied Diseases Over 5 Malarial.......11......1
26. Malarial Fever
27. Rheumatic Fever Over 5...11111...3
28. Rheumatism of the Heart Under 511............1
Over 5......11......111
Tuberculosis (total).
29. Tuberculosis of Brain or Meninges, Acute Under 513127314331113...17...11...11.........22
Hydrocephalus Over 5213111124......811......11...11
30. Tuberculosis of Larynx
31. Tuberculosis of Lung Under 511213...22...6.........11.........11
Over 5131214125189127365135144597251113129349521.........11......322411
32. Tuberculosis of Intestines, Tabes Mesenterica Under 511111111...411
Over 511112......11411..................11
33. General Tuberculosis, Tubercular Disease of Under 5112......11...311
undefined position Over 511111113112...711
34. Other forms of Tuberculosis, Scrofula Over 51113111311......72211............11
35. Other Infective Diseases
36. Thrush
37. Actinomycosis
38. Hydatid Diseases
39. Scurvy
40. Other Diseases due to altered Food
41. Acute Alcoholism, Delirium Tremens Over 5...11...11...211
42. Chronic Alcoholism Over 5112111111...5123
43. Chronic Industrial Poisoning
44. Other Chronic Poisonings
45. Osteo-arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis Over 52241111......0213
46. Gout Over 5...11.........1
47 Cancer Under 511............1
Over 578117337497271212693341912290366217......11...11...371516
48. Diabetes Mellitus Over 51247115...1124...16123..................112
49. Purpura Hæmorrhagica
50. Hæmophilia•>1
Anæmia, Leucocythæmia Under 511............1
Over 5112......123...5...11...............22
52. Lymphadenoma, Hodgkin's Disease
53. Premature Birth8941031322512212272215...55
54. Injury at Birth
55. Debility at Birth111111211...5
56. Atelectasis Under 5111121111...5
57. Congenital Defects Under 51326112...11...911
58. Want of Breast Milk
59. Atrophy, Debility, Marasmus Under 53763191143932272114...3913116
60. Dentition Under 51122213811......11
61. Rickets Under 512311.........4...11
62. Old Age, Senile Decay1119156413831135336318821516...1331821142073112...............33129
LOCAL DISEASES.Nervous System.
63. Convulsions Under 53228524112213113...25112
64. Meningitis Under 533112213......811......11.........11
Over 5...11211......3.........11.........11
65. Encephalitis
66. Apoplexy Over 58166211518311542410114521249..................1124
67. Softening of Brain Over 511111112...5123
68. Hemiplegia, Brain Paralysis Over 5111311...11...511..................11
69. General Paralysis of Insane Over 5112...112112...611..................1214
70. Other forms of Insanity Over 5121411......116123•••...............1113
71. Chorea Over 5......11......111
72. Cerebral Tumour Over 511......11...211
73. Epilepsy Over 5...112...112...4.....................1113
74. Laryngismus Stridulus
75. Locomotor Ataxy
76. Paraplegia, Diseases of the Spinal Cord Over 5213...111211733..................11
77. Other and Ill-def. Dis. of Brain or Nervous Under 5...112.........2.....................11
System Over 511111111...411..................112
Organs of Special Sense.
78. Otitis, Otorrhœa Over 5112............2
79. Diseases of Nose
80. Diseases of Eyes, Ophthalmia Circulatory System.
81. Pericarditis
82. Endocarditis, Valvular Diseases of the Heart Under 5...11.........1
Over 5128993896873031210557271l102321622...............332412
83. Hypertrophy of Heart Over 511............1
84. Angina Pectoris Over 521142...11...7
85. Aneurism Over 51121111......4...11...11
86. Senile Gangrene
87. Embolism, Thrombosis Over 522112.........4..................1111
88. Phlebitis
89. Varicose Veins
90. Other and Ill-def. Dis. of Heart and Circulatory System Under 511......11...2
Over 5...11.........1
Respiratory System.
91. Laryngitis Under 5......11......1
92. Croup
93. Other Diseases of Larynx and Trachea
94. Acute Bronchitis Under 511226178111141113...21
Over 51111...2114...611
95. Chronic Bronchitis Over 5104212286328191135521311...632428..................213
96. Lobar Croupous Pneumonia Under 51113221111...7.....................11
Over 512227123112516...181111...............112
97. Lobular, Broncho-Pneumonia Under 55318171214111313149...18123j.
Over 52215111311211...11112
98. Pneumonia, form not stated Under 531239......22...11
Over 511349312612311...19112
99. Emphysema, Asthma Over 5213112..........522..................112
100. Pleurisy Over 51121111......411..................11
101. Other and Ill-def. Dis. of Respiratory System Over 511......11...2...11...............11
Digestive System.
102. Diseases of the Mouth and Annexa Over 511............1
103. Diseases of Pharynx
104. Diseases of Œsophagus
105. Ulcer of Stomach and Duodenum Over 51111...112...4..................11
106. Other Diseases of Stomach
107. Enteritis Under 511214162211...11224
Over 511......11...2..................11
108. Appendicitis Over 51113...11......4.....................123
109. Obstruction of Intestine Under 5.........11...1.....................11
Over 521252131111...101111............1111
110. Other Diseases of Intestine
111. Cirrhosis of Liver3126442211131111
112. Other Diseases of Liver Over 5...11...11J2...I1............11
113. Peritonitis Over 511114.........41111
114. Other and Ill-def. Dis of Digestive Organs Under 5...11......11...2..................
Over 51111......2
Lymphatic System..........
115. Diseases of Lymphatic System and Ductless Over 5 Glands. Urinary System....11.........1.....................11
116. Acute Nephritis Over 511......123...411
117. Bright's Disease Over 53415223418111113...34443112...............11112
118. Calculus
119. Diseases of Bladder and Prostate Over 52215213...112...10...11......11112
120. Other and Ill-def. Dis. of Urinary System Reproductive System. Generative Organs.
121. Diseases of Testis and Penis
122. Diseases of Ovaries Over 511............111
123. Diseases of Uterus and Appendages Over 511......11...211..................11
124. Diseases of Vagina& External Genital Organs
125. Diseases of Breast Parturition.
126. Abortion, Miscarriage
127. Puerperal Mania
128. Puerperal Convulsions Over 5112.........211
129. Placenta Prævia, Flooding Over 5......11......1
130. Puerperal Thrombosis Over 5............1...1
131. Other and Ill-def. Accidents of Pregnancy and Over 5 Child Birth Bones and Joints.2211.........311
132. Arthritis, Ostitis, Periostitis
133. Other and Ill-def. Dis. of Osseous System Over 5 Integumentary System.11............111
134. Ulcer, Bedsore
135. Eczema
136. Pemphigus Under 51124...'.........411
137. Other and Ill-def. Dis. of Integumentary Over 5 System...11......1
EXTERNAL CAUSES.Accidents and Negligence (total).
138. In Mines and Quarries
139. In Vehicular Traffic Under 511112.........311
Over 51111...11...3...11
140. On Railways Over 5.........11...1...
141. On Ships, Boats & Docks, excluding drowning..................11
142. In Building Operations Over 511......112...311
143. By Machinery Over 5111..................
144. By Weapons and Implements.................................112
145. Burns and Scalds Under 511211......3...1113
Over 5...112...11...3...112......
146. Poisions, Poisonous Vapours.........11...1............1...1......11
147. Surgical Narcosis
148. Effects of Electric Shock
149. Corrosion by Chemicals
150. Drowning Over 52215......22...7
151. Suffocation, overlaid in bed Under 5112123...11...6.....................112
152. Suffocation, otherwise Under 5...22.........2
153. Falls, not specified Over 5112111111...5...11
154. Weather Agencies
155. Otherwise and not stated Over 5......1122...311
156. Homicide Over 5...11.........1...............11
Suicide (total).
157. By Poison Over 5...1111......2
158. By Asphyxia.|
159. By Hanging and Strangulation
160. By Drowning
161. By Shooting Over 511............1
162. By Cut or Stab Over 5112...112...411
163. By Precipitation from elevated places Over 5......11......111
164. By Crushing
165. By other and Unspecified Methods
166. Execution
167. Sudden Death (cause not ascertained)
168. Other Ill-defined and Not Specified causes
TOTALS Under 5384468199292027381141112241259169141756...42848592612115...1113...14l39...313310
Over 5106891021013988054516525024182330956146324618533531494253514946199535316112125112321410621930321626104

The Deaths occurring in the various Public Institutions in this Table are Residents, and are allocated to the respective districts in the Borough.