London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hackney 1902

Report on the sanitary condition of the Hackney District for the year 1902

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closure will not bear hardly against either tenant or landlord,
especially, if a reasonable time is allowed to the tenants to obtain
suitable premises.
2. There are certain of the remaining bakehouses, which
although entirely underground are well lighted and ventilated
by means of over.head lanterns and louvres, and might be
certified without much alteration. The following is a list,
71, Ghatsworth Road,
186, Well Street,
33, Rectory Road,
550, Kingsland Road,
48, De Beauvoir Road.
3. For the remaining underground bakehouses I should
advise as a general rule no certificate of suitability should be
granted by the Local Authority unless the following conditions
are observed, viz.—
(a) Construction.—No underground bakehouse shall
be less than 7ft. 6in. in height, measured from the
floor to the ceiling, nor have a cubic capacity less
than 1000 cubic feet. The walls and floor must be
constructed of hard material, impervious to damp.
The ceiling must be even, impermeable to damp
and dust.
(b) Light.—The bakehouse should be well lighted by
windows opening directly into the outer air or into
well lighted areas so that an official copy of the
abstract of the Factory Act may be read all the
year in all parts of the bakehouse between the
hours of 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.