London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hackney 1902

Report on the sanitary condition of the Hackney District for the year 1902

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Bakehouses have been regarded as notoriously unhealthy for many
years, the most unhealthy being underground bakehouses. Much
has been done in recent years by the Legislature and by Local
Authorities to improve their condition, but the evils attaching to
underground bakehouses have not been removed by past efforts.
They are really beyond all amendment in most cases.
In the first place, it is impossible to adequately ventilate a bakehouse,
which is entirely underground, unless by artificial means such
as fans, etc. Investigations have been undertaken at different times
to determine the comparative purity of the air of underground bakehouses
with that of above.ground bakehouses. It has been proved
that the air of the former is much more laden with micro.organisms
and carbonic acid gas than the latter, and this we can readily realize
from the difficulty which is experienced in their ventilation.
In the second place, it is almost impossible to get sufficient natural
light to most of the underground bakehouses of the borough. Where
there is want of light uncleanliness is usually at its height, and
the lowest forms of life flourish. This is bad both for baker and for
the food manufactured. It is an axiom of Public Health, that food
should not be manufactured in any insanitary places. The manufacture
of food in most underground bakehouses violates this principle.
The remedy for this state of things is the entire abolition of underground
bakehouses. This is now recognised, for all modern bakehouses
are built above ground, where they can be adequately lighted
and ventilated. I am of opinion it is the duty of the local authority
to further this movement by encouraging the abolition of all underground
bakehouses in their district, under the powers of the Factory
and Workshops Act, 1901. I cannot help here remarking, that in my
opinion, it was a great mistake on the part of the Legislature, to cast
upon the Local Authorities the responsibility of granting certificates
that underground bakehouses are suitable as regards construction,
ventilation, light and all other respects, when in most cases it is
impossible to make them suitable.