London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hackney 1887

Report on the sanitary condition of the Hackney District for the year 1887

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of the
BEING FOR THE Year 1887.
To the Board of Works for the Hackney District.
It is with much satisfaction that I have to report for
this year the lowest death-rate that has occurred since my.
appointment in 1856, viz., 16.6 per 1000 inhabitants against
18 6 for all London. I have calculated the population to have
been 226,000 in July 1st, 1887, which is a smaller number
than the ordinary progressive rate for 1871-80 would have
given. It is therefore most probable that I have not overestimated
the population or under-calculated the death-rate,
and that these figures are nearly accurate. As the number of
the population can be ascertained accurately only once in ten
years, I have checked off the estimated number by the
assessments in the rate books of both Hackney and Stoke
Newington (the latter kindly supplied to me by Mr. Webb),
in 1881 and in 1887, and by the number of births. The
former multiplied by the number of persons to an assessment
in 1881 gives a higher number, whilst the births, after