London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Mile End 1862

Report of the Medical Officer of Health to the Vestry of Mile End Old Town

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The essential part of the Report I have now the
honour to present to you, is, as in those which have been
made in former years, to be found in the Tables contained in
it; and as you are in possession of those Reports, you will
have an opportunity to compare them with the present one,
and from such comparison, you will be able from the facts,
to form an opinion of the health of the Hamlet, as it existed
during the year 1861—to determine whether the power given
to the district, to resist disease by the sanitary improvements
which have been extensively made, has been equal to the
occasion; and also whether the results as shown by the
mortality, warrant the conclusion, that the palpable reduction
of mortality which has taken place year after year, is directly
or indirectly a consequence of the efforts which have been