London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1896

Report on the health and sanitary condition of the several parishes comprised in the Wandsworth District during the year 1896

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In the Parish of Putney, the collection of house refuse
during the past year has been carried out by the Board
with their own horses and vans and men in their employ.
The refuse has been shot into barges and removed by Mr.
Henry Covington. The total expenses incurred in collecting
and disposing of the refuse during the year are as
follows, viz.:—
£ s. d.
Wages 445 7 1
Cost of maintenance of horses, including depreciation
on first cost 283 6 3
Depreciation on 6 dust vans (£o01 10s. at 10 per
cent.) 30 3 0
Repairs to vans 11 4 10
New baskets, ladders, slops, various tools, and repairs
to same 10 1 11
Paid Mr. Covington for removing dust by barge 384 4 1
1,164 7 2
Cr. Cash received for removal of trade refuse 8 2 10
£1,156 4 4
The total number of van loads collected during the year
was 3,710, or 11,130 cubic yards, at a cost of about 2s. 1d.
per cubic yard, showing a decrease of ½d. per yard on
last year.
The scavenging work is performed by men employed
by the Board, and principally by their own horses and
vans, the smaller share of the work being done by
hired horses and men. The following is the cost for the
year, viz.:—
£ s. d.
Wages 1,551 19 7
Cost of maintenance of horses, including depreciation
on first cost 318 9 4
Hire of horses and men 176 16 0
Carried forward £2,047 4 11
f 2