London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1896

Report on the health and sanitary condition of the several parishes comprised in the Wandsworth District during the year 1896

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Medical Officers of Health Annual Report.
Factory and
Workshops' Act.
The Factory Act, 1895, bringing laundries
under the above Act threw much additional
work on the Sanitary Inspectors, but during the first three
months of the year all the laundries, with one or two
exceptions were inspected and put in a satisfactory
There are 16 factories and 72 workshops now on the
registor, of which 9 are steam laundries and 52 laundries
coming under the Act. In 25 of these laundries notices
were served for the following sanitary defects:—In 16 the
watercloset accommodation was deficient, 3 defective
drains, 5 defective traps, 3 dangerous floors, 7 defective
water supply to waterclosets. In two the washhouses were
dirty, and in one there was overcrowding.
Six notices were received from the Factory Inspector
of sanitary defects, and these were promptly attended to
and the necessary notices served.
I have again to report that the Sanitary Inspectors
. have carried out all their duties to my entire satisfaction.
M.A., M.D., D.P.H , CAMB.,
Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth.