London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St James's 1896

Report for the year 1896 made to the Vestry of Saint James's, Westminster

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I am directed by the Local Government Board to indicate "the
measures of sanitary improvement required in St. James's," I
bring the idea seriously forward. The advantage of a series
of model workshops for tailors, dressmakers, jewellers, engravers,
and other chamber-master workers, would conduce
immensely to the prosperity of the splendid retail shops and
warehouses which support St. James's. If a new street were
cut through on the line here suggested, the new access would
immensely increase the value of the large block of property
lying between the new street and Regent Street, and the
old houses of the eastern side of St. James's would disappear
without further effort. I commend this question earnestly
to the consideration of the Vestry of St. James's.
Ideals which would greatly help individual Members of the
Vestry in their study of this proposal may be seen in the new
townships at Leigham Court, Streatham, and at Noel Park,
Hornsey, both built by the" Artizans' Labourers' and General
Dwellings Company ; "also in" Lord Rowton's Houses." All
these undertakings have been shaped by the same mind, and
all have successfully realised the pleasant ideal of combining
philanthropic work with dividends of five per cent.
I have the honour to remain,
Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen,
Your obedient Servant,
28, Dover Street, Piccadilly.