London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Giles (Camden) 1896

Annual report for the year ending 25th March 1897

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than the fat of butter), practically a substitution of
margarine for butter.
Five (11.6 per cent.) of the 48 samples of coffee were
not what they were said to be, each containing a large
quantity of chicory.
G 197 contained at least 35 per cent. of chicory.
G 357 do. 50 do. do.
G 215 do. 55 do. do.
G 302 do. 55 do. do.
G 203 do. 90 do. do.
Eight samples of preserved peas were submitted for
analysis. Seven (87.5 per cent.) of these were found to
contain copper in varying amounts, as follows:—
G 327 At least 0'250 grain of copper per pound of peas.
G 346 do. 0.363 do. do. do.
G 331 do. 0.402 do. do. do.
G 344 do. 0.415 do. do. do.
G 330 do. 0.448 do. do. do.
G 345 do. 0.503 do. do. do.
G 347 do. 0.559 do. do. do.
All the samples of spirits and sweets were certified to
be "not adulterated."
I am, Gentlemen,
Your obedient Servant,