London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Giles (Camden) 1896

Annual report for the year ending 25th March 1897

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Total number of sewer side-entrances to local sewers 68
Do. to main sewers 15
Do. street orderly bins for street
sweepings 62
Do. ballast bins 33
Certain of the sewers in the District which have dead
ends, or in which the flow of sewage is not sufficient to
enable the sewer to be self-cleansing, are fitted with flushing
tanks. They are as follows:—
Chapel Yard 450 gallons. Automatic self-
acting syphon.
Charing Cross Road 1,100 do. do. do.
Denmark Place 800 do. do. do.
Great Turnstile 830 do. do. do.
Hall's Yard 400 do. Screw-down penstock.
Henrietta Mews 600 do. Automatic self-
acting syphon.
Hyde Street 650 do. Screw-down penstock.
Lascelles Place 500 do. Hand flushing disc.
Lincoln's Inn Fields 1,200 do. do. do.
Lumber Court about 730 do. Automatic self-
acting syphon.
Montague Mews, two
tanks each 450 do. do. do.
Newman's Row 1,000 do. do. do.
Russell Mews 700 do. do. do.
Torrington Mews 800 do. Screw-down penstock.
Torrington Square 625 do. Automatic selfUpper
Montague Mews 530 do. do. do.
acting syphon.
New Turnstile 600 do. Screw-down
The water used in the above tanks amounted to
441,000 gallons.