London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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City of London 1894

Report on the sanitary condition of the City of London for the year 1894

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On January 23rd, a farmer and cattle
dealer of Wymondley, was summoned at the
Guildhall Justice Room, for sending the
carcase of a diseased calf to the Central Meat
Market, and was convicted and fined £10, and
£4 4s. costs.
On the '29th January, a publican and poulterer
of Outwell, Norfolk, was summoned at
the Guildhall Justice Room, for sending the
carcases of five diseased pigs to the Central
Meat Market, and was convicted and fined £5,
and £4 4s. costs.
On the 7th February, a small farmer of
March, Cambridgeshire, was summoned at
the Guildhall Justice Room, for sending two
quarters of diseased cow-beef to the Central
Meat Market, and was convicted and fined
£10, and £3 3s. costs.
On the 28th February, a butcher of
Dymchurch, Kent, was summoned at the
Guildhall Justice Room, for sending the
carcases and offal of ten diseased sheep to
the Central Meat Market, and was convicted