London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hammersmith 1896

Annual report of the Medical Officer of Health of the Parish of Hammersmith for the 53 weeks ending January 2nd, 1897.

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Note 1. Medical Officers of Health of "Combined Districts" must make a
separate Return for the District of each Sanitary Authority.
2. Medical Officers of Health acting for a portion only of the District of a
Sanitary Authority should write, in, the heading of the Table, the
designation of the Division for which they act.
3. The words "Urban," "Rural," or "Metropolitan" must be inserted in
appropriate space in the heading, according as the Sanitary Authority
for the District is Urban or Rural, or is within the Metropolitan
4. The "Localities" adopted for the purpose of these statistics should be
areas of known population; such as parishes, groups of parishes,
townships, or wards.
As stated at the head of the first column in each table, Public
Institutions should be regarded as separate localities, and the deaths
in them should be separately recorded. Workhouses, Hospitals,
Infirmaries, Asylums, and other establishments into which numbers
of people, and especially of sick people, are received, are Public
Institutions for the purpose of these statistics.
5. The deaths which have to be classified in this Table (A) and summed up
in the horizontal line of "Totals," are the whole of those registered
as having actually occurred in the several localities comprised
within the Division or District. But the registered number of
deaths frequently requires correction before it can give an exact
view of the mortality of a Division or District; and the two lowest
horizontal lines are provided for the purpose of enabling Medical
Officers of Health to indicate, to the best of their ability, what the
extent of such corrections should be. Details concerning the corrective
figures, e.g., the institutions that have been considered, or
the particular localities to which the corrections apply, may appear
in the text of the report or in supplementary tables.
Area and Population op the District or Division to
which this Return relates.
Area in Acres 2,287
Population (Census 1896) 104,199
In recording the facts under the various headings of Tables A and B attention
has been given to the notes endorsed on the Tables.
Medical Officer of Health.
March 25th, 1897.