London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Holborn 1896

Report of the Medical Officer of Health for the year ending December 31st, 1896

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A large proportion of the above are one or two room tenements.
Griffin, Reid's and Portpool Buildings, and the flats at 16, Little
James Street, were found to be in a good sanitary condition, and Certificates
were soon given. At Gray's Inn Buildings very little was found
that required to be attended to. In all the remaining premises there
were sanitary defects, and in many cases much work had to be done
before Certificates could be granted. At St. Alban's, Duncan, Leather
Lane, and Evelyn Buildings, 11, 19 and 21, Portpool Lane, our requirements
were not completed till this year.
I have not been able to give Certificates for 6, 7, 8 and 9, Half
Moon Court.
Last year there were 35 houses registered as "Houses let in
lodgings." The Board made an order that these were all to be
inspected and reported upon every month.
Although this order was not strictly carried out, a great deal of
sanitary improvements have been effected. Eight of them were
"closed" last year, and four more about two months ago.
As the question of the registration of houses let in lodgings is such
an important one, I will repeat what I said in my Report on the London
County Council Report.
I will next deal with the recommendation that the Board " should
proceed more largely to regulate houses let in lodgings."
I have given this question my most anxious and careful consideration.
You are aware that very few of the houses let in lodgings are at
present registered.
By Section 94 of the "Public Health (London) Act, 1891," every
Sanitary Authority is required to make and enforce bye-laws as to such
As I have previously mentioned, three-fourths of the population live
in tenements, therefore, in order to comply with the Act, a large
additional number of houses require to be registered.
In 1885 this Board made regulations which were confirmed by the
Local Government Board, and by Section 142 (2) (6) "Public Health
(London) Act, 1891," these regulations have the force of bye-laws under