London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Battersea 1895

Report upon the public health and sanitary condition of the Parish of St. Mary, Battersea during the year1895

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To the Vestry of the Parish of St. Mary,
The following report for the year 1895 on the Public Health
and Sanitary condition of the inhabitants of this populous and
important parish shews a continued favourable state of the public
health, which will afford satisfaction to those charged with the
care of the health and lives of the residents therein.
The birth, death and other rates are estimated on the
assumption that the same rate of increase of population has
gone on, as occurred during the ten years of the decade 1881-91.
The census of March 29th, 1896, will probably shew some
disturbance of that rate, but the excess or diminution thereof
will but disturb the rates to a fractional extent.
The mean population of the year 1894, for this parish, was
164,494. To this must be added the annual increase of population
which has hitherto been found to exist, and for this purpose
the known rate of increase between the two last census enumerations
is employed. This increase was at the average rate of
4,319 persons each year, so that if this number be added to the
population for 1894, an estimated mean population of 168,813
will be deduced for 1895. On this population the following
calculations are based.
As a preliminary it will be desirable to mention a few facts
relating to the Metropolis at large during 1895, as a basis of